Sustainable Project Features
1200 Nineteenth Street incorporated numerous sustainable features in its design and construction.
Examples of these features are:
- Renovating an existing building in an urban setting, which helped to preserve habitat and natural resources, reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use, and conserve resources.
- Recycled over 3,900 tons of construction waste generated on-site, which amounts to over 88% of all the waste generated on-site during the building’s renovation and construction.
- Installed low VOC adhesives, sealants, paints, and coatings in an effort to improve the indoor air quality of the building.
- Designed and installed landscaping using native and adaptive drought tolerant plant material. This eliminated the need for a permanent irrigation system, thereby saving over 42,000 gallons of potable water per year. The property now boasts a breathtaking green roof and an urban butterfly and herb garden. 1200 Nineteenth Street received The Golden Streets Sustainability Award for its landscaping in 2016.
- Installed high-efficiency plumbing fixtures including dual-flush water closets, 0.5 gallon-per-flush urinals in the Men’s restroom, 0.5 gallon-per-minute lavatory faucets in the Men’s and Women’s restrooms, and 1.5 gallon-per-minute shower heads. These fixtures result in approximate annual savings of 40.2% or 967,146 gallons of potable water.
- The web based digital Building Management Control System (BMCS) allows PC, remote Internet and cell phone access to monitor, control and optimize the operation of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. All major HVAC components such as chillers, cooling towers, AHU’s, pumps and fan powered terminal units (FPTU) are controlled through the BMCS.